Invisible selling machine email template swipes

Last Updated on Jul 22, 2022 by Jos

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    Each email we send has one of five purposes: 

    1. Indoctrinate: Introduce new leads to you and your brands, and turn strangers into friends. 
    2. Engage: Talk to your leads what interests them and encourage them to buy a relevant product or service.
    3. Ascend: Welcome to your new customers or clients and encourage them to upgrade their experience by purchasing from you again.
    4. Segment: Learn what they want to hear more about and what they might want to buy next.
    5. Re-engage/win back: Bring them back when they’ve fallen out of touch or the relationship has gone cold. 

    The welcome email in details:

    1. Introductions:Ex: “Hi, my name is [  ], and I’m [  ]. I wanted to take a few seconds to say hello and welcome you to the family.” 
    1. Set expectations: Tell them exactly what to expect from you, when, and how often. 

    Ex: “ Here is what you can expect from us.” 

    1. Restate benefits: While you’re telling them what they should expect, restate the benefits of these communications. Something like this will do the trick- Ex: “ I know this is going to be an absolute game-changer for you because … “ 
    1. Ask them to whitelist you ( and more ) : Ex: “ Take two seconds and join us on ( Facebook, twitter, youtube, linked in ).”:
    1. Opening curiosity loop: Create tension, and tension create attention. The human brain craves conclusions. Ex “ As an added bonus for subscribing, I’m going to be sending you my best [ white paper/ blog posts/ case studies/ tools, etc]. It’s about [ insert something you know your subscriber actually wants]. Be on the lookout for an email for me tomorrow. OR “ Do you know the #1st reason why [ insert a ridder/ reason why/ etc]? I bet it’s not the reason you think. I’ll give you the answer tomorrow but for now…”
    1. “Bounce” them around : PS: The next few days are gonna feel like Christmas Because as an added bonus for subscribing, I’m going to be sending you my “best of the best” [ blog post/ articles/ case studies/ video/ tools/ swipe file/ etc.]. Tomorrow you’re going to get the first of the “ big 3” 

    A lead magnet: is simply a small “ chunk” of value ( usually content) that solves a specific problem for a specific market that is offered in exchange for an option in. 

    • If you want to increase your options in rates and get more leads and prospects on your list, you need to offer a specific benefit to your target market, something you know they actually want. For example: “ Grow enough food to feed a family of 4 in just 4 spare feet of space- even if you don’t have a yard.” 
    • Remind your prospect that they are stuck while simultaneously reminding them that you have the solution.

    Goodwill campaign: Email #1 Blind 

    “If you are on my email list, it’s fair to assume [ describe interest or benefit- ex: want to get more clients? / want to speak good English? ]

    If so, this is the idea for the next step : 

    [ Link to landing page ]

    Check it out … you will be glad you did. 

    Talk soon,

    [Your name]

    Goodwill campaign: Email #2 ( Direct )

    “ Hi [ name ]

    Have you ever wanted to [ insert known objective or desired end result ]? 

    Well now is your chance : 

    [ Link to landing page]

    Recently i [wrote/ recorded/ rolled out a report ….. ] [ about/ that does ]  [ describe topic/ product ] and i want you to have [ a copy/ it/ one ].

    You can [ access/ get/ by ] it right now at 

    [ Link to landing page] 

    But do it now while it’s fresh on your mind.

    Talk soon,

    [Your name] 

    Goodwill campaign: Email #3 ( content )

    • Partial push 

    “ I’ve written a brand spanking new article about [ topic/the desired result ] that I know you’re going to love.

    You will learn : [ insert bulleted list of topic/ benefits ].

    Access it here: [ link to content ] 

    Engagement: gain, logic, fear

    • Gain: we move toward the things we want
    • Logic: we move toward what makes rational sense
    • Fear: we move away from the things that can harm us or towards something that we think is going away.

    Email 1: Gain 

    “Yesterday you requested my [insert Lead Magnet title/description here], and I just wanted to check back in and see if you had a chance to [read/ watch] it yet.

    “ More importantly, I wanted to make sure you saw this: 

    Link offer landing page.

    If you’re really serious about [insert topic/ known desired end result], then this is the ideal first step.”

    Not only does it work, at only [insert price] it’s the tiniest investment you can make and still have a realistic expectation of results

    So get it now while you can: 

    Link to offer landing page. 

    This price won’t be available much longer, so I would grab your copy now while it’s still fresh in your mind.

    Talk soon,


    Email 2: logic

    Hi [name],

    I must say I’m a little surprised you still haven’t taken me up on this:

    Link to offer a landing page 

    If you really want to [insert known desired end result] (and I’m guessing you do or you wouldn’t have even visited my site), then this is the ideal first step.

    Remember not only will it get you [insert specific benefit provided by the offer here], but it will need to achieve [insert broad-based desired end result].

    So DO IT NOW before it gets lost in the shuffle of life.

    Talk soon,

    [Your name]

    Email 3: fear

    • If your offer contains true scarcity, use this version:

    “Yep, this is pretty much your last chance to get [insert offer name] at this price:

    Link to offer a landing page

    On [insert date] the [ price is going up to $XX -OR- the offer is closing], so you better get it now, because chances are you won’t see it again [at this price] for quite some time. 

    Good luck,


    • If you don’t have true scarcity in your offer use this instead, 

     â€śThis is it… I’m done talking to you about this: 

    Link to offer a landing page

    For the last few days, I’ve been encouraging you to get in while you can, but now the time is up. After today, you won’t hear me talking about it any longer.

     So this is your last chance.

    Get it now, or risk missing out completely:

    Link to offer a landing page

    All the best,

    [Your name]

    P.s. Remember, not only will it get you [insert specific benefit provided by the offer here], but it will also give you the momentum you desperately need to achieve [insert broad-based desired end result].

    Get off the fence and get started NOW: 

    Link to offer a landing page 


    • Day 0: send them a welcome email
    • Day 1: G/L/F email #1
    • Day 2: G/L/F email #2
    • Day 3: G/L/F email #3
    • Day 7: Are you still/ Have you yet? (1st attempt)
    • Day 14: Are you still?/ Have you yet? (2nd attempt)
    • Day 21: Are you still?/ Have you yet? (3rd attempt)                      


    Email 1: Gain

    “Yesterday you purchased [insert product name], and I just wanted to say thanks again for your order.

    I’m so happy to have you in the family.

    More importantly, I wanted to make sure you saw this: 

    Link to upsell sales page

    If you’re really serious about [insert topic/ known desired end result], then this is the ideal next step.

    Not only will it get you [know desired end result], it will get you there much, MUCH [faster/easier/with less work].

    So get it now while you can: 

    Link to upsell sales page 

    This [price/offer/product] won’t be available much longer, so I would grab your copy now while it’s still fresh in your mind.

    Talk soon,


    Email 2: Logic

    “Call me crazy, but I’m little surprised you still haven’t taken me up on this: 

    Link to upsell sales page

    If you really want to [insert known desired end result], (and I’m guessing you do or you wouldn’t have purchased [insert product name]), then this is the logical next step.

    Remember, not only will it get you [insert specific benefit provided by the product then just purchased here], but it will also give you the momentum you desperately need to achieve [insert broad-based desired end result].

    So DO IT NOW before it gets lost in the shuffle of life.

    Talk soon,

    [Your name]

    Email 3: Fear 

    • If you have true scarcity (a limited number of seats, a deadline, etc) use this version: 

    “Yep, this is pretty much your last chance to get [insert offer name] at this price:

    Link to offer a landing page

    On [insert date] the [ price is going up to $XX -OR- the offer is closing], so you better get it now, because chances are you won’t see it again [at this price] for quite some time. 

    Good luck,


    P.s. Remember, not only will it get you [insert specific benefit provided by the product they just purchased here], but it will also give you the momentum you desperately need to achieve [insert broad-based desired end result].

    Get off the fence and get started NOW:

    Link to upsell sales page

    • If you don’t have true scarcity you use this modified version:

    “This is it… I’m done talking to you about this: 

    Link to offer a landing page

    For the last few days, I’ve been encouraging you to get in while you can, but now the time is up. After today, you won’t hear me talking about it any longer.

     So this is your last chance.

    Get it now, or risk missing out completely:

    Link to offer a landing page

    All the best,

    [Your name]

    P.s. Remember, not only will it get you [insert specific benefit provided by the offer here], but it will also give you the momentum you desperately need to achieve [insert broad-based desired end result].

    Get off the fence and get started NOW: 

    Link to offer a landing page 


    • Email 1: Blind- the first email is “blind” to the topic and instead curiosity to encourage engagement in the email 
    • Email 2: Direct- The second email in the series is “ direct “, meaning it gets straight to point by outlining the topic and its benefits.
    • Email 3: This final email in the series contains a call to action to access free and valuable information.

    Goodwill campaign: Email #1 ( blind )

    “ If you’re on my email list, it’s fair to assume you [describe interest or benefit- ex. … want to play the guitar/ want to get more clients]

    If so, this is the ideal next step: 

    [Link to landing page]

    Check it out… you’ll be glad you did.

    Talk soon,

    [Your name]

    Goodwill campaign: Email #2 ( Direct )

    Hi [name],

    Have you ever wanted to [insert knowns objective or desired end result]? 

    Well now is your chance: 

    [Link to landing page]

    Recently i [wrote/recored/rolled out a report/video/training/widget] [about/that doeas] [describe topic/product] and i want you to have [a copy/ it/one].

    You can [access/get/buy] it right now at: 

    [Link to landing page]

    But do it now while it’s fresh on your mind… 

    Talk soon,

    [Your name] 

    Goodwill campaign: Email #3 (Content)

    “I’ve written a brand spanking new article about [topic/the desired result] that I know you’re going to love. 

    You’ll learn: [insert bulleted list of topics/benefits]

    Access it here: [ link to content ]” 

    Re-engaging email to your subscribers: 

    “ Hey… It’s been a while since you’ve opened or clicked on one of my emails, so i thought i’d check in on you and let you know what you’ve “missed” in the last two months.

    [Link to content and resources that they’ve been missing]

    • Inquire whether you have their best email address
    • Ask how you can best serve them (i.e run a survey)
    • Offer them a different free gift (i.e a different lead magnet)
    • Suggest they read a blog post or watch a video (i.e a blog launch)
    • In later stage of this email series: 

    “ I don’t want to keep bothering you with email, but i don’t want to completely cut you off either.” 

    Email Body Copy Structure

    “ Subj

    Warning : Do not attempt to […] until you read this

    [Link 1 – Using curiosity]

    So you can try to figure this out on your own…

    ….. Or you can get this guide right now

    [Link 2 – Using direct benefit ] 

    Talk soon,

    [Your name]

    P.s. Claim your [discount/promotion/etc..] here

    [Link 3 – Using scarcity ]