Home » Blog » How to start your podcast

    Podcasting is a powerful tool when it comes to growing your influence, reach and inbound sales.
    Like any form of content it should be seen as a long term play as part of your content marketing strategy.
    In this guide I’ll be outlining the basic steps you’ll need to take to start your own podcast.
    1. Choose your theme and format. e.g Are you a business podcast? And are you doing the show solo, interview format, with a co-host? There is no right or wrong answer here, just whatever suits you best.
    2. Get the recording equipment you’ll need. What you want here is something that gives you good quality sound. Do not let this be an obstacle! If all you have is basic start with that and upgrade later. I use a Blue Yeti microphone, other popular microphones include the ATR2100 or you can see others here
    3. Find somewhere to host your podcast files. Popular sites include Libsyn, SoundCloud, Amazon S3, Stitcher alternatively you could use a software like Audello which will allow you to get a bit fancy with what you can do.
    4. Start recording, if you’re interviewing guests I use Skype with Ecamm for Skype to record. For a solo show any recording tool should do the trick.
    5. Upload to your Podcast File Host, add Show Notes.
    6. Start marketing the content you’ve now created. Ideally you’d want it on multiple platforms and repurposed in multiple ways. Creative ideas on how to do this include, converting your audio files to video format, making infographics from quotes in that episode, creating graphics for social media, transcribing and using as a post on your website (you can use a service like Revv.com to do this). Personally I’m about to start using a tool called Repupose.io to get the most mileage out of the podcast content I create.
    That’s it, nice and simple.
    The key here is being consistent.