Are you even marketing to the right people?

Last Updated on Nov 20, 2017 by Jos

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    The success or failure of any marketing campaign  comes down primarily to two things.


    1. Who you are advertising to
    2. The offer that you present them


    In this article  we will examine number one.

    In the Marketing world we call this target audience  selection.


    So how do you select the correct Target audience?


    It starts by considering who is most likely to buy.


    We categorise this in relation to a Spectrum there we call market awareness starting with those that are least aware  and therefore least likely to  buy, leading up to those that are most  aware and therefore most likely to buy.

    The majority of businesses the best customers are those  that you already have.

    followed closely by those who are brought up similar to service.

    Then those that are looking for solutions to problems,

    and finally those who have a problem with unaware of what the solution is.


    Typically as we move from those  least aware to those that are most aware the audience size and gets smaller and smaller.


    But with the smaller  audience sizes comes the ability  to convert them into customers  with greater ease.

    To learn more about market awareness I highly recommend that you read a book titled “Breakthrough Advertising” by the late great Eugene Schwartz.

    In my next post we’ll be discussing how to communicate with those at different levels of market awareness.